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Advertise your business in FishHead

Over four years, Fish­Head has acquired a repu­ta­tion as an enter­tain­ing and authen­t­ic read, and as such we have attrac­ted an edu­cated and dis­cern­ing readership.

Our read­ers are hugely proud of their region and enjoy dis­cov­er­ing more about loc­al people, places and issues. They take an interest in polit­ics and their com­munity, enjoy fine food and wine, and the arts.

Fish­Head read­ers are widely trav­elled and enjoy hol­i­days abroad each year. They have many leis­ure interests and enjoy their life, com­munity and region to the fullest.


We would love to wel­come your busi­ness into Fish­Head. For more inform­a­tion, or to make a book­ing, please contact:
Vivi­enne Brown
Fish­Head Advert­ising Executive
04 384 3670
021 844 290
Mike McEl­hin­ney
Nel­son Advert­ising Manager
03 546 3387
021 844 241
Nicki Bark­er
Marl­bor­ough Advert­ising Executive
021 317 485