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_MG_3802If you’re exper­i­en­cing a mid­winter (or long-term) break-out, pig­ment­a­tion prob­lem or oth­er skin woe, and have tried everything but failed to find a solu­tion that works, then make Thorndon’s Skin Ther­apy your next destination.

Treat­ing skin from below the sur­face, and find­ing the under­ly­ing cause for prob­lems, is the focus for Skin Ther­apy own­er, Rachel Robertson.

This award-win­ning beauty ther­ap­ist — and qual­i­fied chem­ist — has 16 years in the industry under her belt, includ­ing nearly eight years run­ning the clin­ic. After train­ing in Auck­land, Rachel man­aged top Lon­don spas and clin­ics before return­ing home, bring­ing with her a pas­sion for advanced skin­care and cli­ent education.

Cli­ents may think that their skin’s oily, so they go to a depart­ment store and get a product off the shelf that’s for oily skin — and actu­ally, their skin’s not oily and the cells get into a state where they’re com­pletely out of bal­ance,” she says. “At the end of that comes all sorts of prob­lems on the sur­face of the skin — sens­it­iv­ity, more break-outs, and the skin bar­ri­er func­tion is just so impaired and so imbal­anced. So it’s all about under­stand­ing what your skin needs to func­tion properly.”

Along­side its full range of beauty ther­apy treat­ments, Skin Ther­apy spe­cial­ises in advanced skin ana­lys­is, using 3D ima­ging and oth­er tech­no­logy to gath­er read­ings of oil and hydra­tion levels, and cell function.

Cli­ent con­sulta­tions last 90 minutes, cov­er­ing everything from diet and life­style to skin his­tory. “Rather than just look­ing at the skin and try­ing to mask the symp­toms on the sur­face, we look at what’s actu­ally caus­ing that and what cells have been dam­aged, and then we cor­rect it from that point of view,” explains Rachel.

A con­sulta­tion is fol­lowed by a full treat­ment plan, includ­ing med­ic­al-grade treat­ments at the clin­ic and at-home care — to help dis­orders from acne (wheth­er teen or adult) to eczema, dermatit­is, psori­as­is, ros­acea, age­ing and pig­ment­a­tion. Rachel’s pas­sion for get­ting to the root of those woes led her to cre­ate her own product range, Pro­lo­gic, four years ago. She for­mu­lates the products her­self, with pro­to­types and cruelty-free test­ing car­ried out by a pro­fes­sion­al laboratory.

Rachel ensures that, unlike some skin­care products made from a long list of ingredi­ents that do very little and have min­im­al levels of act­ive ingredi­ents, Pro­lo­gic is packed with the good stuff to tackle skin concerns.

The star product of the range is Pro­lo­gic Omega 3 Treat­ment Oil, made from kiwi-seed oil, to bal­ance out the essen­tial fatty acid defi­ciency seen in a major­ity of cli­ents’ skin.


Skin Therapy

1/310 Tinakori Road, Thorndon

(04) 473 7873[/info]

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