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Sum­mer is upon us, which means longer even­ings, days at the beach and sum­mer fash­ion! Fish­Head scoped out Cuba Street, look­ing for fash­ion-for­ward loc­als who were ready for the heat.


Name: Caleb Snowden | Age: 20 | What: Stu­dent | Where from: Taup | Describe your style: “What I like! Really just a bit of everything” | Caleb is ready for sum­mer with his Huffer shorts and Five Each T‑shirt. He wore a pair of Nike Roshes — a Wel­ling­ton ward­robe essen­tial — and a Nix­on watch to cap his prac­tic­al and cas­u­al style. He topped off his look with an on-trend top­knot, which seemed to be a theme among our male mod­els today!


Name: Seni Cho | Age: 24 | What: Com­mu­nic­a­tions | Where from: Christ­ch­urch |Describe your style: “Mel­low and prac­tic­al” |Seni’s fresh white Ruby dress screamed sum­mer, along with her bright blue Ray-Bans, which added a pop of col­our to her out­fit. Her over­sized Mimco bag and Isa­bel Marant shoes added an ele­ment of style and prac­tic­al­ity, but it was her col­our­ful mini-dough­nut brace­let from Bed­rock that really caught our eye!


Name: Ray Letoa | Age: 27 | What: Bar­tender | Where from: Wel­ling­ton | Describe your style: “Poor; everything I wear I get for free” | Fish­Head spot­ted Ray’s pants and fell in love with them. After get­ting him to strike a pose, we learnt that he had not paid for any­thing he was wear­ing! His Adi­das hood­ie and slick shoes were spon­sor­ship gear, and those fant­ast­ic pants were giv­en to him when he bar­ten­ded at the La De Da fest­iv­al! Bac­ardi sunglasses com­plete his look.


Name: Heath­er Carew | Age: Don’t be nosy! |Occu­pa­tion: Trav­el­ler | Where from: Wel­ling­ton | Describe you style: “Cas­u­al” | Heath­er was strut­ting down Cuba Street like it was the Champs-Élysées in Par­is when we spot­ted her vibrant red hair. This self-con­fessed trav­el­ler remin­isced about her travels as she showed us her scarf from Italy and her bag from France. A trav­el­ler needs to be com­fort­able, yet styl­ish, which is why Heath­er opted for sneak­ers from Hush Pup­pies, pants from Iden­tity and a col­our­ful Max top.