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IMG_2446Hav­ing a baby is a chal­len­ging jour­ney, and for some people this begins even before con­cep­tion, when deal­ing with fer­til­ity concerns.

At Fer­til­ity Asso­ci­ates, New Zealand’s lead­ing pro­vider of fer­til­ity dia­gnos­is and treat­ment, a team of experts addresses all aspects of fer­til­ity, treat­ing your indi­vidu­al needs and sup­port­ing you hol­ist­ic­ally on the path to achiev­ing a baby. Sci­ent­ists, doc­tors, nurses and coun­sel­lors are just some of the people work­ing to help many New Zeal­anders real­ise their dream of start­ing or adding to their fam­ily, and all are proud of the fact that across the treat­ment types offered, 50 per­cent of couples that see Fer­til­ity Asso­ci­ates for help have an ongo­ing preg­nancy with­in 18 months.

IMG_2459*edit            Med­ic­al dir­ect­or Dr Andrew Mur­ray explains that there is often a falsely held belief that seek­ing fer­til­ity sup­port is a sure road to in vitro fer­til­isa­tion (IVF). While Fer­til­ity Asso­ci­ates are indeed experts in this field, hav­ing been foun­ded in 1987 by the two pion­eer­ing doc­tors who intro­duced the meth­od to New Zea­l­and, there are many oth­er simple treat­ments available.

Com­ing to see us doesn’t always mean you’re going to do IVF,” he says. “If it is tak­ing more than six months to get preg­nant, or you have any con­cerns about your fer­til­ity, it’s a good idea to come and see our spe­cial­ists either by con­tact­ing us dir­ectly for a self-refer­ral or via your GP.”

Fer­til­ity Asso­ci­ates pro­motes a philo­sophy of excel­lence and com­mit­ment to meet­ing the needs of their cli­ents, recog­nising dig­nity, and the emo­tion­al aspects of infer­til­ity, or as Dr Mur­ray puts it, “We’re not just about the med­ic­al stuff. We have a team-based approach right from the first phone call. We don’t just see you as a set of ovar­ies and a sperm.”

With clin­ics in Auck­land, Hamilton, Wel­ling­ton, Christ­ch­urch and, soon, Duned­in, as well as out­reach con­sulta­tion centres through­out the coun­try, Fer­til­ity Asso­ci­ates is access­ible nationwide.

Fer­til­ity treat­ment is also more fin­an­cially access­ible for many people than may be real­ised. “Over 50 per­cent of the work we do is actu­ally pub­licly fun­ded,” says Dr Mur­ray. “We always assess people’s eli­gib­il­ity for gov­ern­ment fund­ing, and for those that fit cer­tain cri­ter­ia their treat­ment may be covered.”

Some 15,000 babies later, these treat­ments include both tech­no­lo­gic­al and social advances in which Fer­til­ity Asso­ci­ates have led the field, such as suc­cess­ful embryo freez­ing, egg freez­ing, sperm microin­jec­tion and fer­til­ity assess­ment, as well as IVF.

With a focus on provid­ing the highest pos­sible suc­cess rate using the best and most appro­pri­ate tech­no­logy in an envir­on­ment of excel­lence, Fer­til­ity Asso­ci­ates can identi­fy, deal with and treat your fer­til­ity con­cerns, help­ing to lift the emo­tion­al and phys­ic­al bur­dens infer­til­ity can bring.

First and fore­most, our goal is to achieve a baby for you,” says Dr Mur­ray. “Then we fig­ure out the best way we can get there.”



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