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Vicky-2If you fre­quent Sunday’s City Mar­ket, then no doubt you’ve heard of the enig­mat­ic Vicky Ha, dubbed the ‘Dump­ling Queen’ of the House of Dump­lings. No mean feat, Fish­Head caught up with Ha to dis­cov­er her favour­ite city spots.

If it’s been a hard week at work and I’m in need of a drink I’ll be at… the Malt­house or Hop Garden. They’re close to our pro­duc­tion kit­chen and I know I can always pick some ran­dom beer that I might fancy on the day.

Then the next day if I need a slap-up feed and a cup of Wellington’s finest cof­fee I’ll be at… Cafe L’affare. I don’t drink cof­fee, so def­in­itely a cuppa. Love the deco, also I know I can chill in there, read the papers as long as I want, and no one will both­er me.

I always find if you need some cul­ture you can’t go past… Cuba Street. Busk­ers that do magic tricks, jazz bands, cheap eats, art gal­ler­ies, brunch at Floriditas, cock­tails at the Mat­ter­horn, Fidel’s, nice old build­ings, cream buns from Mr. Bun, tat­too shops, the buck­et foun­tain. I think someone needs to open a pet shop on that street to com­plete the circle.

My favour­ite Wel­ling­ton land­mark has to be… the Rail­way Sta­tion. It’s so grand, and I also love the fact that some­times I ride my bike through, com­pletely get yelled at, and the shout­ing makes awe­some echoes. Hilarious!

The Wel­ling­to­ni­an I would take to a pub quiz is… my part­ner. We sit in front of the com­puter each night and do quizzes on the Stuff web­site. Our scores are pretty hideous most of the time.

I am most ashamed to have nev­er vis­ited… Logan Brown, even though I love the boys [Steve and Shaun] and said many times I will go and vis­it them. 

I know I shouldn’t, but Wellington’s best-kept secret is… Time Cinema in Lyall Bay. It’s truly classy and some­thing really spe­cial. You have to find out for your­self why, though.

Wellington’s next best food trend will be… afford­able, fresh, unpre­ten­tious and super-deli­cious street-style food.

The most unusu­al fla­vour of dump­lings I have made is… a copied ver­sion of my mum’s ones – a mix­ture of prawn, pork, shii­take mush­room and loads of fresh herbs. Money can’t buy that. My mum lives in Hong Kong and makes the best dumplings.

My favour­ite sellers down at the Sunday mar­kets are… the vege and fruit grow­ers from Lev­in. They are the one’s who bring all those sea­son­al, afford­able, fresh, loc­al veges to us every single week, rain or shine. Bless them!

Holly Bagge

Holly has recently moved back to her home city after spending four years at Otago University completing her Bachelor of Arts in art history and media studies. She spends her days fuelling the public's caffeine addiction as a barista and hanging out at FishHead Towers fitting into her interning position. Bagge's position include visiting art galleries, reading, drinking tea obsessively and watching back-to-back episodes of Peep Show. She is a connoisseur of zombie films, one of her favourites being the original Dawn of the Dead. Much to her dismay, her last name is pronounced "bag" as in "plastic bag".

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