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FashionStreet Style

Cuba Street

By October 26, 2013May 26th, 2015No Comments

Julie Cham­ber­lain | Age? 42 | From? Christ­ch­urch | What? Admin­is­trat­or | Your Style? Things that suit me that are com­fort­able | She’s a mod, she’s a mod, she’s a mod, yeah, yeah! Chamberlain’s 1960s-inspired look of green over­coat and plaid naut­ic­al dress is paired with ever-essen­tial black leath­er boots. Her green trench coat was ideal for the unusu­ally crisp weath­er, and her neut­ral-col­oured bag, black boots and tights off­set the busier pat­tern of her per­fectly tailored dress.


Lisa Wadsworth | Age? 37 | From? Auck­land | What? Fash­ion design­er | Your Style? Whatever strikes me at the time | Wadsworth was an obvi­ous choice and eas­ily explained: she is a fash­ion design­er. She wears a dressy cas­u­al look, with staple black skinny jeans from Coun­try Road, cir­cu­lar tin­ted Glas­sons glasses, a furry grey vest and high-top sneak­ers. The fur vest adds tex­ture to her all-black ensemble; over­all, this look is sleek but fun.


Dylan Was­son | Age? 20 | From? Mt Cook | What? Stu­dent | Your style? Whatever is clean | Wasson’s bold, col­our­ful, clash­ing prints echo 1990s fash­ion and evoke The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Wear­ing a Lazy Oaf shirt with ham­burger-print sleeves sourced from his work­place, Good as Gold, and leo­pard-print Stussy shorts, Was­son com­pletes the look with white high-top Chuck Taylors, Ray-Ban sunglasses and an epic beard.


Mal­colm Hop­word | Age? 68 |From? Palmer­ston North |What? PR con­sult­ant | Your Style? Inspired by a time when a man could wear a shirt and tie and know how to be fash­ion­able | The impec­cably dap­per Hop­word, who was on his way to work when we spot­ted him, sports a smart grey suit jack­et, white shirt and boldly striped tie. His dress trousers are matched with black leath­er shoes and a leath­er bag. Hop­word describes his attire per­fectly in just three words: “form­al, con­ser­vat­ive, metrosexual”.

Holly Bagge

Holly has recently moved back to her home city after spending four years at Otago University completing her Bachelor of Arts in art history and media studies. She spends her days fuelling the public's caffeine addiction as a barista and hanging out at FishHead Towers fitting into her interning position. Bagge's position include visiting art galleries, reading, drinking tea obsessively and watching back-to-back episodes of Peep Show. She is a connoisseur of zombie films, one of her favourites being the original Dawn of the Dead. Much to her dismay, her last name is pronounced "bag" as in "plastic bag".

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