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Name: Kirsty Tang | Occu­pa­tion: Test ana­lyst | Where from ori­gin­ally: Malay­sia | When Fish­Head stopped Kirsty, she was look­ing styl­ish in layered pat­terns and tex­tures, includ­ing a shaggy white car­digan from Top­shop, and dec­or­at­ive leg­gings from Pull & Bear. While she likes to pur­chase pieces online, her favour­ite places to shop in Wel­ling­ton are Ruby Boutique and Coun­try Road. When asked what her shop­ping cri­ter­ia was, Kirsty keeps it simple: “When I see it and like it, I buy it!”


Name: Scott Roy | Occu­pa­tion: Musi­cian in loc­al band The Polly John­son Set | Where from ori­gin­ally: Mel­bourne | Scott was tak­ing time out at a café when Fish­Head spot­ted him. The multi-tal­en­ted musi­cian (bass, banjo, man­dolin and gui­tar) was wear­ing a beloved leath­er jack­et from Oppor­tun­ity for Anim­als, a pair of smart leath­er shoes (a gift) and, to break up the ensemble, a col­our­ful stripy sweat­er from Mel­bourne, which he’s owned for “about a cen­tury”. He rev­els in an op-shop special.


Name: Xoe Hall | Occu­pa­tion: Artist in many media | Where from ori­gin­ally: Plim­mer­ton | Xoe dresses in a way that reflects her occu­pa­tion as a mur­al­ist, pop-artist, glit­ter­ist, children’s book illus­trat­or and all-round cre­at­ive human. She wears what she calls her “’90s teach­er pants”, bought from SaveMart’s children’s sec­tion five years ago, with sunglasses from Recycle Boutique, Dr Marten boots covered in paint, and jew­ellery from Empori­um. Born a thrift­er, Xoe loves all style genres.


Name: Josh Joe-McIn­doe | Occu­pa­tion: Archi­tec­ture stu­dent at Vic­tor­ia | Where from ori­gin­ally: Lower Hutt | Josh was in New­town doing wind read­ings for an archi­tec­ture pro­ject — there was cer­tainly lots of it to work with on the typ­ic­ally windy Wel­ling­ton day! Choos­ing to dress for com­fort, Josh wore a com­fort­able checked blue flannelette shirt — a second-hand Save­Mart num­ber. A con­fessed sneak­er fan­at­ic, he wears some fresh Adi­das kicks bought online from the UK, but is also a fan of Nike and Reebok.

Eliza Romanos

A confirmed Wellingtonian, Eliza comes from a family of journalists and has recently completed a BA at Victoria University in Art History and Media. Now making her own way in the world of journalism, she has particular interests in fashion and art. She misses the DTL in lower Cuba Street and the dance floor being at the other end of Good Luck Bar. Eliza lives in a bitterly cold flat in Brooklyn but appreciates the walk into town through Central Park every morning.

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