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Michael Findlay, Philip Leaupepe, T.Nickel, Elliott Morrison, George Jacobs, TJ Va'a

Michael Find­lay, Philip Leau­pepe, T.Nickel, Elli­ott Mor­ris­on, George Jac­obs, TJ Va’a

Linda Rieper, Erin Solomon

Linda Rieper, Erin Solomon

Hon. Chris Finlayson, Janie Pack, John Allen

Hon. Chris Fin­layson, Janie Pack, John Allen


Helen & Philip Poppe

Helen & Philip Poppe

Joanne & Ross Jamieson

Joanne & Ross Jamieson


Jane Humphries & Sean Plunket

Jane Humphries & Sean Plunket

Head Prefect Philip Leaupepe T. Nickel with his mother and sisters

Head Pre­fect Philip Leau­pepe T. Nick­el with his moth­er and sisters

Sam Pritchard, Mark Anderson, John Pritchard & Fraser Press

Sam Pritchard, Mark Ander­son, John Pritchard & Fraser Press

Kenny McFadden, Blossom Cameron &  Headmaster Graeme Yule

Kenny McFad­den, Blos­som Camer­on & Head­mas­ter Graeme Yule

All pho­tos by Jonty Renner.