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Tom’s March café

By February 26, 2015June 25th, 2019No Comments

I’ve gen­er­ally been dis­mayed by the inex­or­able south­ward creep of chain cafés along Cuba Street, but I’ll make an excep­tion for Kaf­fee Eis. They took over a space that had seemed cursed after a couple of hil­ari­ously bad res­taur­ants, and had the pro­fes­sion­al­ism to make it work. It has a wider appeal than either the old-school crusty cafés or the new­er, shi­ni­er eat­er­ies. Some of the counter food is bet­ter than one might expect, and the cof­fee is reli­able Mojo fare, with sev­er­al appro­pri­ately chilled options. And besides, who could res­ist a tangy sorbet or creamy gelato on a summer’s day?


Address: 146 Cuba Street, Te Aro

Phone: 04 384 8040

Open: Mon–Thu 7.30am–11pm, Fri 7.30am–midnight, Sat 9am–midnight, Sun 9am–10pm[/info]

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