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Open day at Rathkeale

By May 1, 2015July 14th, 2019No Comments

Not many Wel­ling­ton schools can offer their stu­dents a 50-hec­tare site to roam around, much less a Greek amphi­theatre, nat­ive bush and a river to swim in, which is why many loc­al par­ents con­sider send­ing their boys to board at Rathkeale Col­lege, 7km north of Mas­ter­ton. Bar­rie Gor­don, head of mar­ket­ing at the Anglic­an school, says that the great out­doors is just one of the attrac­tions. “As a small school, the rela­tion­ships between staff and stu­dents, and among stu­dents them­selves, are relaxed and unforced. Rathkeale boys love a good yarn and will hap­pily chat to their teach­ers or vis­it­ors at the drop of a hat,” he says.

When he speaks to Fish­Head, Bar­rie is busy organ­ising the annu­al open day for 12 May. Asked what makes Rathkeale stu­dents happy, he replies, “The way to a boy’s heart is through his stom­ach! The food at Rathkeale is cooked on site, is plen­ti­ful, and the boarders and day-boys all eat lunch togeth­er every day. The boys always speak highly of the food here, and a hearty break­fast and lunch assists them to learn.”

For many par­ents the thought of send­ing their sons away to board­ing school can be a daunt­ing pro­spect. (There are those who can’t wait to get them off the couch and away from the Xbox, but that’s by the by.) Rathkeale works hard to make it seem like a home away from home.

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