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InterContinental 1If you’ve had a lux­ury stay at the Inter­Con­tin­ent­al Wel­ling­ton recently, you may have noticed that cer­tain changes are being made.

After the redevel­op­ment of vari­ous sec­tions of the hotel — includ­ing the recep­tion, Chamele­on res­taur­ant, new deluxe guest rooms and the lobby lounge — Inter­Con­tin­ent­al Wel­ling­ton has now turned its design atten­tion to the con­fer­ence and event space.

Focus­ing on seam­less con­tem­por­ary design and inter­activ­ity, the nine new meet­ing rooms now fea­ture state-of-the art tech­no­logy that will be the most advanced in Wel­ling­ton to date.

Presenters won’t have to look fur­ther than their phone for a visu­al aid, as the changes allow them to con­nect wire­lessly to the room dis­plays using iOS and Android devices.

And in case you work up an appet­ite, the ded­ic­ated events team have cre­ated innov­at­ive and unique cater­ing options that will be avail­able for events, whatever they are.

For more inform­a­tion, vis­it 

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