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Lauren-Mann-8Lauren Mann has been apart of the Lyall Bay Surf Club for most of her life, as an act­ive com­pet­i­tion goer, patroller and now seni­or com­mit­tee mem­ber. Away from the beach, she has also writ­ten a children’s book and took home the title of Miss Wel­ling­ton in 2012. Fish­Head caught up with her to get some swim-safe tips and to find out her favour­ite spots in the capital.

If it’s been a hard week at work and I’m in need of a drink I’ll be at… St John’s. I love sit­ting out­side on the bean­bags, and all my friends go there so there will always be someone I know.

Then the next day if I need a slap-up feed and a cup of Wellington’s finest cof­fee I’ll be at… Sweet Mother’s Kit­chen. I love the break­fast burri­tos – they’re incred­ibly good. Scopa is the place for the best hot chocol­ates; even in the sum­mer it’s good there.

I always find if you need some cul­ture you can’t go past… what’s good about Wel­ling­ton is that there’s so much. I enjoy going around the water­front to see all the sculp­tures, and walk­ing down Cuba Street to the water­front by Te Papa.

My favour­ite Wel­ling­ton land­mark has to be… the sta­di­um. I love going to events there like the rugby and to the Wel­ling­ton Sev­ens dur­ing the sum­mer. When I was little, my grand­dad always called it the cheese grater – it used to crack me up, so I’ve always loved it.

The Wel­ling­to­ni­an I would take to a pub quiz is… my cous­in Nic­ola Prov­ost, because she’d make friends with every­one sit­ting at all the oth­er tables and per­suade them to give us their answers.

I am most ashamed nev­er to have vis­ited… I have nev­er been to East­bourne, NEVER! Every­one always tells me to go. Whenev­er I tell people they always say, “I’ll take you”, but they nev­er do. I’ve always wanted to catch the Day’s Bay ferry.

I know I shouldn’t, but Wellington’s best-kept secret is… fish and chips from Seav­iew Takeaways in Lyall Bay. The are always best eaten some­where sheltered along the south coast.

The advice I would give to Wellington’s beach-goers to stay safe this sum­mer is… always swim between the flags. Also, always check the surf con­di­tions before you go out, always swim with a friend, and don’t go swim­ming drunk!

I pre­dict the most pop­u­lar style of swim­suit this sum­mer will be… togs made out of wet­suit mater­i­al from Bil­la­bong – really old-school 1970s themed. They have them in bikinis and one-pieces. I want one!

I’ve been surf life sav­ing for years now, but what keeps me com­ing back each sum­mer is… that my surf club is my fam­ily; I have been there my whole life. My Mum star­ted when she was four­teen, so I grew up at the beach and it’s just the people that make me come back every year… and the cool trips away to sunny beaches.

Holly Bagge

Holly has recently moved back to her home city after spending four years at Otago University completing her Bachelor of Arts in art history and media studies. She spends her days fuelling the public's caffeine addiction as a barista and hanging out at FishHead Towers fitting into her interning position. Bagge's position include visiting art galleries, reading, drinking tea obsessively and watching back-to-back episodes of Peep Show. She is a connoisseur of zombie films, one of her favourites being the original Dawn of the Dead. Much to her dismay, her last name is pronounced "bag" as in "plastic bag".

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