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The weath­er in Wel­ling­ton may be cool­ing down, but the fash­ion is just as hot! Fish­Head roamed the water­front and spot­ted these rays of style sun­shine on an oth­er­wise very grey day.


Marama Winchcombe

Name: Marama Winch­combe | Age: 14 | Occu­pa­tion: Stu­dent at St Peter’s Col­lege, Palmer­ston North | Describe your style: “Relaxed and retro.” | Marama caught FishHead’s eye right away with her effort­less, retro style. We loved the way she tucked a clas­sic striped tee into her grandmother’s girl­friend jeans for that spot-on 1990s feel. Marama’s black Nike sneak­ers kept her feet com­fort­able while walk­ing around Te Papa, and her thrift-shop cap added to the sporty-cas­u­al vibe. Too cool for school!

Michael Lough

Name: Michael Lough | Age: 18 | Occu­pa­tion: Stu­dent at Auck­land Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy | Describe your style: “Ori­gin­al and ‘handsy’ — whatever’s on hand!” | Fish­Head spot­ted Michael on his way back from hav­ing a drink with his Wel­ling­ton friends. He suc­cess­fully har­nessed style icons James Dean and River Phoenix with windswept hair, his brother’s chi­nos and a light-wash den­im jack­et from Valen­cia, Spain. Michael admit­ted his love for op shops while show­ing off his brown leath­er Forest Hill boat shoes, which he picked up for an amaz­ing $14

Sean Feehan

Name: Sean Fee­han | Age: 27 | Occu­pa­tion: Musi­cian and Roxy jack-of-all-trades | Describe your style: “Purple goth and mod­ern-day sham­an.” | Sean was grabbing a takeaway long black when Fish­Head couldn’t res­ist snap­ping his green snake­skin jeans from Cos­mic. Sean chat­ted to us about music and style icons Rus­sell Brand and Noel Field­ing, while we admired his scarf (the res­ult of a soft spot for a “gor­geous” sales­wo­man). His brown leath­er jack­et was nabbed off his mum and his belt is ‘vin­tage’ Hallensteins…vintage circa 2007 of course!

Victoria Wilks

Name: Vic­tor­ia Wilks | Age: 42 | Occu­pa­tion: Wed­ding cel­eb­rant | Describe your style: “Flashes of col­our paired with clas­sic Wel­ling­ton black! | Vic­tor­ia was admir­ing Wel­ling­ton Har­bour with her ador­able chil­dren when Fish­Head noticed her stand-out orange hand­bag from Atti­c­us. Victoria’s prin­ted pants added to her eye-catch­ing look, while a cosy black car­digan kept her warm from the Wel­ling­ton winds (both from her new favour­ite store Decjuba). We espe­cially loved Victoria’s atten­tion to detail, with her per­fectly paired op-shop shoes, Maxx tor­toise­shell sunglasses and orange neck­lace from a Plim­mer­ton jew­ellery store.